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This piano I can be purchased in it's current condition for £2000 although it would need some restoration work to become playable. If you are experienced in restoring pianos and wish to complete this work yourself, you can buy it now and get a brilliant piano for a bargain!
Alternatively, we can also restore the piano for you, this piano fully restored will cost £9995.
This Knake Münster baby grand piano has a resplendent ebonised finish that will look stunning after the wear and tear has been restored and will look elegant in any room. Moreover, the ornate cabinetry details add extra decor to the cabinet, making it a luxurious furniture piece. This baby grand piano is also a valuable antique, dating to around 1910.
The baby grand piano also hold great potential for musicality and sound quality once restored. We can also restore the action to top-quality playing condition.
Moreover, this piano also comes with a unique half-moon style lid - a rare feature in grand pianos. Rather than opening to the side like a traditional grand piano, this piano is propped up from behind, projecting the sound from out of the piano.
This piano is also a very compact piano, allowing it to fit into almost any space with ease. Furthermore, the castors are extremely easy to move, allowing the piano to glide into place effortlessly with no trouble moving it.
Please look below for dimensions and more information on required restoration work.
Piano Dimensions - Length: 146cm / Width:143cm
The piano is built by artisans in Germany using the finest of parts, materials and expertise, resulting in an extremely well-made piano.
Trade enquires welcome.
We can ship this piano anywhere in the world.
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