Open Monday To Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm - other times by Appointment

Collection: Schulze Pollmann Technical Aspects



The Regulation of the Action

The action and the keyboard are positioned and regulated in respect of a perfect balance of leverages. Highly accurate adjustments and settings give a firm and consistently sensitive touch to every Schulze Pollmann piano, in perfect compliance with the company's rewarded classical principles.


The Richness of the Sound
In the final production process the tuning technicians dedicate their talents to the adjustment of sound quality; particularly with the voicing of the hammers, they succeed in bringing musical vitality to each piano.  

The acoustic results are extraordinary: 

- An exceptionally rich and mellow sound with extended envelope persistency, to which tuners can apply their skills to obtain the best possible sound with respect to the ambiance. 

- Absolute uniformity of timbre over the entire keyboard, with a special focus on the centre-left area. 

- Pure and clear tones, totally free from extraneous noises, vibrations and false harmonics. 

- Remarkable sound dynamics, giving an ample range of volume and expression.

1 product
  • Schulze Pollmann S115 Upright Piano in High Gloss Black cabinetry
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