Silent Systems
Are you looking to enhance your practice without disturbing others? Silent systems make use of state-of-the-art sensors to pick up the movement of the action and input them as notes, allowing the use of headphones for a clear, stunning sound. Meanwhile, a bar is used to prevent the hammers from hitting the strings, allowing you to play without disturbing those around you.
At Shackleford Pianos, we use the professional adsilent system - a top-tier silent system with features such as a metronome, sound controls such as reverb, USB-C-MIDI for connection to portable devices, 20 memory banks for recordings, headphone jacks, a range of sounds and much more. You can find the full specifications of the adsilent system here.
Silent systems are also useful for many other reasons. For instance, a silent system could be the perfect enhancement for a recording studio, where you can use the system to record sounds and turn it off when you want to rehearse before others. This helps you save space, allowing you to use the modified piano with more than one purpose.