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Three Tips To Keep Your Piano Tuned

Tuning a piano is essential to its sound, so the best idea is to keep it well-maintained to make this process simpler for all involved. To make sure you get the best out of your piano, here are three fantastic tips to keep your piano tuned and healthy. 


piano tuning service


Tip One: Placement 

The first and most important thing you should do is make sure your piano is situated appropriately. If you are keeping your piano in an exposed, humid room then you are going to see a problem much quicker. 

Humidity is not the only problem to consider. Putting your piano in direct sunlight might make it lose its tune quicker because the drying wood can cause the tuning pins to warp. Tuning a piano with this kind of damage can be difficult or even impossible if the damage is severe enough. Even if this doesn’t happen, there is the possibility that you might ruin the finish of your piano.


Tip Two: Keep it clean 

To keep the piano in top condition and avoid any unnecessary damage, it’s best to get into the habits of cleaning your piano regularly right from the start. 

The trick is to clean it briefly after each use, especially if you are teaching young children on the instrument. If you wipe it down each time, the job becomes much easier in the long run. This goes for keeping things on the piano too: though it might be tempting to put all sorts of nick-knacks on the piano, make sure you don’t keep anything on it that might leak water and cause damage that way as it will make piano tuning much harder.


Tip Three: Tune it professionally 

If you own a piano you already know that it’s important to get an expert to look at it once in a while, but did you know that the recommended time period between calling a piano tuner is just six months? 

Playing a piano regularly will cause it to go out of tune, but so will letting it sit there untouched. There is no avoiding tuning the piano, and it is not always easy to tell how out of tune it may have become since you last had it checked. After all, it loses its tune gradually, and to an untrained ear it is not easy to hear. 

A professional piano tuner will be able to help you with this. Speak with us to help you to tune your piano.