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Are Pianos Affected by Season Changes?

The short answer to this question is yes. The very way a piano is constructed makes it sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity and this, in turn, can make your piano go out of tune. During the summer the wood will expand and during the winter it will contract. In either scenario, the strings of the piano will be affected and the pitch will change. 

In light of this, where you position a piano in your home will have quite a big bearing. Ideally, a piano does not like to be in an environment which is too hot or too cold so a temperature of around 18 to 21 degrees Celsius is best. 

Humidity also plays a big part. Central heating systems will dry the air and extract moisture from the piano. When the heating is switched off the humidity will rise and when it comes back on it will drop. This will cause the wood to shrink and expand, causing tuning problems. The ideal scenario is to keep your piano within a 45 to 60 per cent relative humidity.

Positioning your piano

used piano

When positioning your piano you should ideally keep it away from windows, radiators and other heat sources. You may also want to invest in a humidifier or dehumidifier depending on the room it is in. 

Dining rooms are popular places to put a piano because they are often kept at constant humidity level. A separate music room where you can pro-actively maintain the humidity levels is even better. 

For more advice about caring for your piano then please get in touch. We would be happy to help.