Open Monday To Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm - other times by Appointment

A Blüthner on the Beach

Along the coasts of Southern England, 8km away from Portsmouth, sits the lovely town of Lee-On-The-Solent. Here, our expert piano transport team presented a custom-designed Blüthner upright piano. 




Our client, a seaside restaurant, wanted us to furnish one of our Blüthners and give it a new, customised cabinet. Our professional piano technicians worked tirelessly throughout each day, and using their master craftsmanship they were able to refurbish the upright piano in only a few weeks.

Once the upright piano was freshly refurbished, our transport team used a trolley to carefully load it into the piano transport van. Covered by a protective blanket and strapped in securely, the Blüthner piano set off on its journey to the Southern coast.


Delivering the refurbished Blüthner upright piano to the restaurant


The beautiful Blüthner was given a fresh cabinet to match the decor of the restaurant and the sunny setting of the beach. The glamorous Blüthner upright piano now stands in the restaurant, adding to the lively ambience and allowing the music to flow across the beach.

In comparison, the cabinet is much more spectacular and vibrant than the former upright piano. More polish has been added, the piano has been colourfully patterned and the piano now fits the seaside ambience we delivered it to.

We do many cabinet refurbishments and restorations, so stay tuned for the next piano cabinet revival!


Blüthner before



Blüthner after (refurbished cabinet)



Joshua Wardle